Category: Uncategorized

  • Few weeks ago I experimented with Powerapps and Business Central integration. I liked it and I wanted to do more with it. So here’s another try to push a bit the Powerapps and see how flexible it can be to handle more complicated business requirements. My business requirements are the following: I want to sell…

  • I had recently a request from a customer that they want to relate dimensions in Business Central. I.e you have a Sales Person dimension and you want to assign these dimensions values to a Sales Department dimensions. Thats not possible to do out of the box in Business Central and needs some customization. In standard…

  • In Business Central there is no way to restrict role selection to users. All users can select between all the available roles. In standard BC you have these roles: What if you want to restrict the role selection for some users only to one or two roles? While i’m sure there are many ways to…

  • Out of the box Business Central doesn’t allow to reserve items for Sales Quotes. But some business might require this and luckily its very easy thing to add. First we need to create action to the Sales Quote Lines: And then we also need this event subscriber. Otherwise we will get error when we try…

  • Here’s an example of how to use your phone scanner as barcode scanner within Business Central default mobile application. This uses library to achieve this. Code example can be found from This is not perfect yet as I didn’t find a way to remember the user access grant for example. But its a…

  • For my recent project which is a Request For Quotation app made for Business Central that allows vendors to send their quotes to BC I needed a way to allow the vendors to do it without asking them to sign up to anything. I just wanted to share a link to them and be…

  • Recently I had to validate some filter selections on a report in Business Central and found out it was not so straight forward to do. What happened when using the trigger OnPreDataItem() or trigger OnPreReport() triggers was that I was able to validate the filter selections by user but the user experience was not optimal…

  • Hiljuti tuli mulle meelde, et kunagi ehitasin ma ühe väikese programmi, mis suutis võtta EMTA lehelt kõik nende avaldatud excelid ja need andmebaasi salvestada.Kuna ma tegelen ise igapäevaselt Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Centrali juurutamise ja arendamisega, siis mõtlesin, et teen endale väikese analüüsi kui suur üldse Eesti ERP tarkvarade konsultatsiooni turg on ning milline on…

  • This is just a collection of random thoughts that I want myself to remember about software development All if and else if’s need default case else. When doing some checks on data there should always be default case for something thats not handled and either throw error or log it as error or unhandled case.…

  • I have been working with ERP softwares for more then 10 years. I have been supporting users using them, implementing them as a consultant, developing them, building integrations into them, doing pre-sale demos to customers to sell them. I have both experience as a business consultant trying to fit customer business into the ERP and…