Category: Uncategorized

  • Business Central 2024 release wave 2 is almost here and here’s a pick of my favorite features coming in this release. All of the new features can be found from here. I think this is feature is great for companies that have some kind of recurring revenue and contracts with customers. It has lots of…

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central hind ja mis selle eest saab? Dynamics 365 Business Central on Microsofti poolt toodetav pilvepõhine ERP tarkvara väikeste ja keskmiste ettevõtete finantside ja operatsioonide igapäevaseks haldamiseks. Business Centrali hind Business Centralil on üldiselt nelja tüüpi litsentse. Selleks, et saaks ERP’i kasutama hakata on vaja vähemalt ühte Essential litsentsi. Essential litsents…

  • Selle mai alguses osalesime koos Stig Granlundiga‘st heategevuslikult Saku laadal. Mina tutvustasin seal Dynamics 365 Business Centralit ja Stig rääkis sellest, mida tema teeb, ehk siis ärianalüütika lahendustest. Alguses oli Saku laadal päris veider tunne olla ja ERP tarkvara tutvustada kuna enamus inimesi seal müüs toitu või käsitööd. Aga tegelikult ilm oli ilus ja…

  • Microsofti ERP tarkvara tundub nagu midagi, mis võiks sobida pigem väga suurtele ettevõtetele ja mille kasutusele võtmine ja kasutamine on väga kulukas. Siin postituses ma natuke kirjeldan, kuidas ma hakkasin kasutama Dynamics 365 Business Centralit oma ettevõttes, mis on pigem mikroettevõte, kui isegi väikeettevõte. Ettevõttest: 2 töötajat, umbes 4-5 projektipõhist koostööpartnerit, kes osutuvad teenust, umbes…

  • How to get exchange rates from European Central Bank for non euro countries in Business Central For the second time already I have been asked to come up with a solution in Business Central to get the exchange rates for non euro country from the European Central Bank. The reason is that if you have…

  • I got interested in very cool project I found in github which was originally created by Microsoft and now is maintained in this repo What this project is is a framework and Business Central app to load data from Business Central into Azure Datalake and then transform the data and analyse it. BC2ADLS allows…

  • Maybe signing documents virtually is not the most legal signature but its cool anyway. This example here uses signature pad and implements in Business Central so you can save hand written signatures to documents inside Business Central. This example uses standard Sales Order page. Not 100% sure if its useful or not but maybe it…

  • It very easy to setup and use Azure Insights in Business Central. You can read how to set it up here But how to actually analyze the logs in Azure? First I’ll set up some custom events that I want to send to Azure. Little wrapper around the Session.LogMessage so its easier to use: And…

  • Last month I had some time to play around and I did small project which implemented Azure Storage Queues in Business Central. What are Azure Storage Queues? They are service in Azure which allows to store some message in queue over HTTP and then poll these messages in some message receiver. Why are they useful?…

  • Here’s a small snippet on how add automatic CC for all outgoing emails from Business Central via SMTP. This methods also works when you want to change To or Bcc or even email subject or body. This code example below checks if user has email setup and if it has then uses that email to…